- Screening
- Scoping
- Public hearing
- Appraisal
What does the New Draft Contain?
- Ex-Post facto clearance: Let us understand this by using an example. For instance, consider that I had set up an industry in an Eco-sensitive area and this is illegal as my profit might have severe environmental complications like that of affecting the endemic species of that area. Then, according to the 2006 notification, my industry is liable for termination. But, the 2020 notification gives me an opportunity to retain my industry by paying a fine.
- Compliance Monitoring: According to the 2006 rules my industry should submit a compliance report or an audit assessing the environmental implications in the area of my industry within 6 months. Let us say my Industry is emitting Co2 more than the stipulated norms than I need to address it immediately. In the new draft of 2020, this time period is increased to 1 year.
- Reduction in time for public hearing: According to 2006 rules before I set up an industry the locals of that particular area have a time of 45 days to submit their grievances to the Board setup. But, the latest rules reduce the time to 40 days to accelerate the EIA process but this is advantageous to the tribals most of them who have a low literacy rate to submit their grievances.
- Full assessment: The 2020 rules exclude minor projects from scrutiny and only the largest project is liable for scrutiny.
- Involving Other Strategic Considerations: According to the 2006 notification which is currently in use the projects which belong to the Defence and National security installments are exempted from EIA. The 2020 Draft gives a vague statement of other considerations.
Subject: Withdraw the draft EIA notification, 2020 [F.N.2-50/2018/IA.III]
Dear Mr. Mishra,
This is with reference to the draft EIA notification, 2020 which has been uploaded on the environment ministry’s website on 12.3.2020. The EIA notification is an important regulation through which the impacts of land-use change, water extraction, tree felling, pollution, waste and effluent management for industrial and infrastructure projects are to be studied and used in developmental decisionmaking. Any change in this law has a direct bearing on the living and working conditions of people and the ecology.
Therefore, it is critical that the government provides a suitable and adequate opportunity for those impacted or likely to be affected by the design and implementation of EIA notification.
We, therefore, request the environment ministry to:
1. Immediately, withdraw the proposed amendments of the Draft EIA notification 2020.
2. Consider reissuing the draft only after health conditions related to Covid19 and civic life is normalized across the country.
3. Ensure that there are widespread and informed public discussions on the implication of these amendments.
4. Full disclosure of the nature of comments received and the reasons for acceptance and rejection of these comments, prior to the issuance of the final amendments.
We do hope that the environment ministry will uphold its obligations towards informed public participation like the commitment to Principle 10 of the Rio Declaration and also the Principles of Natural Justice, while taking a considered view on the proposed amendments to the EIA notification, 2020.
Sure we will do this